it's 9 o'clock and the room is filled
w/ stiff air, typical of a roomful of strangers
for the most part
eyes are tossed this way and that
in every direction, never lingering anywhere long enough
to disarm that peripheral edginess on our faces
better this way, this is an important meeting
these people are here seeking relevance, reason
a stage. we will share our fears soon enough
quell that insidious thirst for community, however
fleeting -- we're actors, we aim to live truthfully
in the imaginary landscape of our choosing
(this has all happened before, as it will most likely
happen again -- minds meeting, intellects toying
w/ each other, bodies touching, barely...)
and then
yeah, you and your freckles
enough of them to raise the bar and lift a wall
into which i slam w/ all the speed of a lifetime
spent in the vacuum of their absence
as if you were made of a myriad dotted "I"'s
but forgot the stems back home when you left
or is it shafts? or trunks? or whatever
it is obvious the dots are what's important
irreplaceable, because each one is as unique
as a snowflake, as if it were always glorious
winter all over you and you're covered in
so many of them yet not quite enough
like all those points of interest on the map
of your life -- one for each time your heart
skipped a beat, or fluttered over someone
in pairs, in threes, and quadrupled
like a hundred thousand protesters against
emptiness viewed from far above, forming
small groups and crowding like rioters celebrating
your skin, their world, my road, my
neverending road into what is you
one for every time i failed to see you, for
all these days i never knew of you, of this
wondrous universe of freckles in every shape,
form & color... well okay, maybe not color,
but you know what i mean
in every nook and cranny of you, just as
there were - at least one - on every friend
that's OD'd, every lover that's squeezed a little
too tight, everyone that has pushed, pulled, and
whacked me in the direction i'm going
because there are so many that we could
build pyramids w/ them, monuments to our
longing that will draw all like minded freckles
into our fold to admire and ooooh, aaaaah
for milenia to come, all the freckles like water-
melon seeds we can use to build our own
world in watermelon freckles like my life
is now done in watermelon freckles of you
And we're only talking of the ones you can see
when you're fully dressed - imagine the possibilities
of those netherfreckles that sustain your mysteries
my yearning, our overlapping freckled futures
Pecas - spanish for freckles
as well as "you sin" in the present tense
pecas de corazón, pecas de medianoche, pecas de mujer
you sweet, sweet sin tracing a cartography of impossible
ways out of me and into you
it is one minute past 9 and your freckles have
rendered this oh so serious meeting pointless
useless, irrelevant in the grand scheme of things
your freckles are here
everything else is just parking
because there is nothing i wouldn't do
for just one of your freckles, now
i finally understand how a woman's body
w/out freckles is like the nightsky w/out stars